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Greeting Card - Happy Anniversary Code: GC2916-HAL001 Size: 13 x 19 cm Finishing: Gold Foil..
Greeting Card - LOVE MAKES EVERYTHING MORE BEAUTIFULTeks luar: LOVE Makes Everything More Beautiful. Teks dalam: Here's to another year of sharing all that life brings. Here's to another year of love. Happy Anniversary Spesifikasi Ukuran: 13 x 18.5 cm (posisi tertutup) Code: GC2916-HAL074 Bahan: Fancy paper, 250 gr Finishing: Hot stamp metallic Hallmark adalah merk kartu ucapan tertua. Didirikan di tahun 1910 oleh Joyce Hall di Amerika Serikat. Di tahun 1985 Hallmark mendapatkan Nat..